
Atqasuk, AK Mental Health Rehabs & Treatment Centers

Below is a comprehensive directory of mental health rehab & treatment programs in Atqasuk, Alaska.

The closest mental health treatment provider to you is 57.55 miles away. If you can't find a mental health or behavioral health rehab close to you, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Utqiaġvik, Wainwright, Point Lay, and Umiat.

Options For Mental Health Providers Near Atqasuk, AK

Mental Health Rehabs is an online directory of mental health providers and facilities in the United States. Our goal is to connect individuals in need of mental health rehab in Atqasuk, AK with the most trusted options near them. Below you will find local providers near you.

Depression, bipolar disorder, and substance use disorders are all examples of mental illness. Actually, these conditions are some of the most prevalent struggles among people in the United States. Mental illness is defined as the presence of health conditions involving changes in emotions, thoughts, and behavior. Instances of mental illness may be identified by distress or issues in social settings, work, and family relationships. Diagnosing and treating mental illnesses is possible, but must be completed by properly educated mental health care providers. Treatment varies but may include a combination of individual therapy, group therapy, lifestyle changes, and medication.

Behavorial & Mental Health Treatment Centers in Atqasuk

North Slope Borough Health Department CYS
2000 Ahkovak Street
Barrow, AK
57.55 miles from the center of Atqasuk

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment Center
Provides Addiction Treatment

Treatment Setting:
Residential Treatment Center
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Treatment
North Slope Borough DHSS Integrated Behavioral Health
5200 Karluk Street
Barrow, AK
58.32 miles from the center of Atqasuk

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Rehabilitation
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Treatment Setting
Gathering Place
5326 Laura Madison Street
Barrow, AK
58.32 miles from the center of Atqasuk

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment
Provides Addiction Treatment

Treatment Setting:
Partial Hospitilization Rehab
Outpatient Mental Health Treatment Center
Maniilaq Counseling and Recovery Ctr
733 2nd Avenue
Kotzebue, AK
279.38 miles from the center of Atqasuk

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment
Dual Diagnosis Rehabilitation Center

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Rehab
Council of Athabascan Tribal Govt
101 Spruce Street
Fort Yukon, AK
407.96 miles from the center of Atqasuk

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Treatment
Family Centered Services of Alaska
1825 Marika Road
Fairbanks, AK
462.46 miles from the center of Atqasuk

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment Center
Treatment for Co-occuring Disorders Such as Substance Abuse

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Treatment Setting
Fairbanks Community Mental Health Services
1423 Peger Road
Fairbanks, AK
463.41 miles from the center of Atqasuk

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Health Treatment Center
Norton Sound Health Corporation Behavioral Health Services
607 Division Street
Nome, AK
463.67 miles from the center of Atqasuk

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment Center
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Health Treatment Center
Presbyterian Hospitality House
209 Forty Mile Avenue Suite 100
Fairbanks, AK
463.76 miles from the center of Atqasuk

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment
Dual Diagnosis Rehabilitation Center

Treatment Setting:
Residential Mental Health Rehab
Partial Hospitilization Rehab
Outpatient Mental Health Treatment Center
Tanana Chiefs Conference Inc Behavioral Health
122 1st Avenue Suite 600
Fairbanks, AK
463.83 miles from the center of Atqasuk

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment
Treatment for Co-occuring Disorders Such as Substance Abuse

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Health Treatment Center
Fairbanks Memorial Hospital Behavioral Health
1650 Cowles Street
Fairbanks, AK
464.04 miles from the center of Atqasuk

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment Center
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider

Treatment Setting:
Inpatient Treatment Setting
Family Centered Services of Alaska
3101 Lathrop Street
Fairbanks, AK
464.92 miles from the center of Atqasuk

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Rehabilitation

Treatment Setting:
Residential Treatment Center
Fairbanks VA CBOC
4076 Neeley Road Room 1J-101
Fort Wainwright, AK
465.29 miles from the center of Atqasuk

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Rehabilitation
Provides Addiction Treatment

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Health Treatment Center
TCC Upper Tanana Behavioral Health
West C Street and Willow Unit A
Tok, AK
626.07 miles from the center of Atqasuk

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Rehabilitation
Provides Addiction Treatment

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Health Treatment Center
Mat Su Health Services
1363 West Spruce Avenue
Wasilla, AK
651.09 miles from the center of Atqasuk

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Rehabilitation
Treatment for Co-occuring Disorders Such as Substance Abuse

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Treatment
Wasilla Behavioral Health Services
301 East Danna Avenue
Wasilla, AK
652.44 miles from the center of Atqasuk

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Rehab Center

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Treatment Setting
Denali Family Services
291 East Swanson Street
Wasilla, AK
652.66 miles from the center of Atqasuk

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment Center

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Rehab
North Star Palmer RTC Summit Program
3647 North Clark Wolverine Road
Palmer, AK
653.58 miles from the center of Atqasuk

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment Center
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider

Treatment Setting:
Residential Mental Health Rehab
Alaska Family Services
5851 East Mayflower Court
Wasilla, AK
653.76 miles from the center of Atqasuk

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment Center
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Treatment
CoOccurring Disorders Institute (CODI) DBA Compassionate Directions
11921 East Palmer Wasilla Highway
Palmer, AK
654.31 miles from the center of Atqasuk

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Rehabilitation

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Rehab

Mental Health in Atqasuk, AK - What is Mental Health

The definition of mental health is the condition of our emotional, cognitive, and behavioral state. Simply put: It’s our mental state. It can affect everything from how we think and feel, to our actions and stimulus responses.

Our mental health can have a great impact on our overall quality of life. Our relationships, careers, and finances can all suffer. It contributes to our self-esteem, influences how we make decisions, our ability to communicate, and even our learning capabilities.

Even though we cannot technically see or measure it, our mental well-being how we interact with the world around us. Ultimately, it makes up the very fibers of who we are.

Types of Mental Health Providers in Atqasuk, AK

No two people with mental illness experience it in the exact same way. As such, there are multiple types of mental health professionals that use different techniques and serve distinct roles.

Psychologists in Atqasuk

A psychologist is a mental health professional who is trained and educated to conduct psychological evaluations and make diagnoses. The focus when working with a psychiatrist is identifying negative thoughts and emotions and developing coping mechanisms to manage them. The majority of treatment revolves around addressing and resolving destructive and otherwise unhealthy behaviors.

Psychiatrists in Atqasuk

Sometimes an individual needs more immediate or intense treatment than what a psychologist can offer - namely prescription medication. Psychiatrists are physicians (medical doctors) who specialize in mental illness and therefore can offer prescription medication. Despite the fact that they are trained and qualified to conduct psychotherapy (talk therapy), some psychiatrists choose not to.

Therapists, Counselors & Clinicians in Atqasuk

All are interchangeable terms used to describe mental health care professionals who have completed a master degree in in a field related to mental or public health. As they are not medical doctors, they address mental health issues with approaches similar to psychologists. More often than not, behavioral therapy is the primary treatment option.

Paying for Atqasuk Mental Health Treatment

Paying for mental health treatment is going to look different for each person, depending on their financial circumstances. Start by contacting your insurance provider and having them provide recommendations based on your healthcare plan’s coverage. Option 2 is out-of-pocket payment. This is a typical option for those who select a mental health rehab not covered by their insurance, or in the absence of healthcare coverage. The final option would be to locate a state-funded program if you are uninsured or lack the financial means to pay privately.
