General Phone Number: 304-723-3423
Family Connections provides the following mental health rehabilitation services in Weirton.
- Mental Health Rehabilitation
Family Connections is run by a private non-profit organization.
Family Connections provides treatment in the following settings.
- Residential mental health rehab
Family Connections provides the following emergency mental health treatment and services.
- We do not have any information about emergency services provided by this facility.
Family Connections utilizes the following treatment approaches.
- Behavior modification
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Couples/family therapy
- Dialectical behavior therapy
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy
- Group therapy
- Individual psychotherapy
- Trauma therapy
Family Connections utilizes the following pharmacotherapies & medications in the treatment process.
- We do not have any information regarding this facility's use of medications.
Information regarding payment(s) accepted at Family Connections and possible financial assistance.
- Medicaid
- State Welfare or Child and Family Service Funds
Information regarding specialty programs and groups offered at Family Connections.
- Children/adolescents with serious emotional disturbance (SED)
Family Connections offers the following screening and testing services to mental health clients.
- There is no information provided regarding screening at Family Connections
Family Connections provides the following ancillary services in addition to mental health treatment.
- Case management