
Forestburg, SD Mental Health Rehabs & Treatment Centers

Below is a comprehensive directory of mental health rehab & treatment programs in Forestburg, South Dakota.

The closest mental health treatment provider to you is 19.99 miles away. If you can't find a mental health or behavioral health rehab close to you, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Letcher, Woonsocket, Artesian, and Fedora.

Directory of Mental Health Care In Forestburg, SD

Mental health rehabs in Forestburg, SD are a positive space for patients to receive treatment for all types of mental illness. They have clinical staff available 24 hours a day to ensure patients are treated properly and monitored for their safety. When choosing a facility ask questions that will help you gain an understanding of their approach to treatment.

Behavorial & Mental Health Treatment Centers in Forestburg

Clinicare Corporation Aurora Plains Academy
1400 East 10th Street
Plankinton, SD
19.99 miles from the center of Forestburg

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment Center
Dual Diagnosis Rehabilitation Center

Treatment Setting:
Residential Mental Health Rehab
Lutheran Social Services of SD Mitchell Satellite Office
403 North Lawler Street
Mitchell, SD
21.67 miles from the center of Forestburg

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Rehabilitation
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Health Treatment Center
Dakota Counseling Institute
910 West Havens Avenue
Mitchell, SD
22.3 miles from the center of Forestburg

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment
Treatment for Co-occuring Disorders Such as Substance Abuse

Treatment Setting:
PHP Mental Health Treatment
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Treatment
Abbott House
909 Court Merrill Street
Mitchell, SD
22.39 miles from the center of Forestburg

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Rehab Center
Treatment for Co-occuring Disorders Such as Substance Abuse

Treatment Setting:
Residential Treatment Center
Community Counseling Services
357 Kansas Avenue SE
Huron, SD
24.2 miles from the center of Forestburg

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment Center
Provides Addiction Treatment

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Treatment
Community Counseling Services Bradfield/Leary Center
317 Iowa Avenue SE
Huron, SD
24.21 miles from the center of Forestburg

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Health Treatment Center
Community Counseling Services Outreach Program
308 North Main Street
Howard, SD
28.71 miles from the center of Forestburg

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Rehabilitation

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Treatment
Community Counseling Services Madison
914 NE 3rd Street
Madison, SD
49.81 miles from the center of Forestburg

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Rehab Center
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Health Treatment Center
Community Counseling Services Outreach Servs/Hand County Memorial
300 West 5th Street
Miller, SD
55.88 miles from the center of Forestburg

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Rehabilitation

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Treatment Setting
Northeastern Mental Health Center Redfield Clinic
1005 West 1st Street Suite 4-B
Redfield, SD
62.27 miles from the center of Forestburg

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Treatment
Brookings Behav Health and Wellness
211 4th Street
Brookings, SD
67.53 miles from the center of Forestburg

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Treatment Setting
Lutheran Social Services of SD Brookings Satellite Office
752 22nd Avenue South Suite E-2
Brookings, SD
68.8 miles from the center of Forestburg

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Rehab Center
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Treatment
Community Counseling Services Outreach Program
218 East 2nd Avenue
Flandreau, SD
75.07 miles from the center of Forestburg

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment
Treatment for Co-occuring Disorders Such as Substance Abuse

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Treatment Setting
Sioux Falls VAHCS Mental Health
2501 West 22nd Street
Sioux Falls, SD
75.18 miles from the center of Forestburg

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment Center
Treatment for Co-occuring Disorders Such as Substance Abuse

Treatment Setting:
Inpatient Mental Health Treatment
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Rehab
Lutheran Social Services of SD Summit Oaks Center
621 East Presentation Street
Sioux Falls, SD
75.51 miles from the center of Forestburg

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Rehabilitation

Treatment Setting:
Residential Treatment Center
Catholic Family Services
523 North Duluth Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD
75.56 miles from the center of Forestburg

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Treatment
Avera McKennan Behavioral Health Ctr Inpatient Services
4400 West 69th Street Suite 100
Sioux Falls, SD
75.58 miles from the center of Forestburg

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment Center
Dual Diagnosis Rehabilitation Center

Treatment Setting:
Inpatient Mental Health Treatment
PHP / Day Treatment
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Treatment
Southeastern Behavioral Healthcare Community Support Services
100 West 5th Street
Sioux Falls, SD
75.91 miles from the center of Forestburg

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Rehab Center
Treatment for Co-occuring Disorders Such as Substance Abuse

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Health Treatment Center
Southeastern Behavioral Healthcare Counseling and Childrens Services
2000 South Summit Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD
76.29 miles from the center of Forestburg

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Rehab Center
Provides Addiction Treatment

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Treatment Setting
Lutheran Social Services of SD Sioux Falls Area Counseling Center
705 East 41st Street Suite 100
Sioux Falls, SD
77.47 miles from the center of Forestburg

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment
Treatment for Co-occuring Disorders Such as Substance Abuse

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Treatment

Mental Health in Forestburg, SD - What is Mental Health

Mental health is defined as the condition of our emotional, cognitive, and behavioral well-being. Simply put: It’s the state of our minds. It can affect everything from how we think and feel, to our actions and stimulus responses.

Our mental health can have a great impact on our overall quality of life, affecting day-to-day activities and relationships at work, at home, and in our love lives. It effects our self-esteem, changes how we make choices, our ability to communicate, and even how we learn.

Even though we cannot technically see or measure it, our mental well-being directly relates to how we interact with the world around us. Ultimately, it makes up the very fabric of who we are.

Why You Should Consider Mental Health Treatment in Forestburg, SD

The benefits of mental health rehab spread way beyond the person in question and truely benefits our whole society. Our mental health is directly connected to our brain, the place where we experience, thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Therefore, we have to prioritize our Mental Health as much as if not more than our physical well-being. In the absence of mental health treatment, it is not easy to recover, especially when factoring in substance use. Studies have Relapse rates among those in recovery are so high partially due to the common presence of mental health issues as well. When only one condition is treated without regard for the other, we are merely removing the crutch without fixing the broken leg.

Paying for Forestburg Mental Health Rehab

In reference to paying for mental health treatment, various people will have a few different options based upon their financial criteria. Start by contacting your insurance provider and having them make recommendations based on the coverage in your plan documents. Option 2 is out-of-pocket payment. This is a common route for those who select a mental health rehab not covered by their insurance, or when they do not have health insurance. The last option would be to search for a state-funded program if you are uninsured or lack the financial means to pay out-of-pocket.
