
Enning, SD Mental Health Rehabs & Treatment Centers

Below is a comprehensive directory of mental health rehab & treatment programs in Enning, South Dakota.

The closest mental health treatment provider to you is 46.13 miles away. If you can't find a mental health or behavioral health rehab close to you, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: White Owl, Redowl, Stoneville, and Marcus.

List of Mental Health Facilities Near Enning, SD

Approximately one in every five adults in the U.S. struggles with some form of mental illness. We have developed a directory of mental health providers across the US to connect those in need with the treatment options near them. Click below to select a mental health rehab in Enning, SD .

Behavorial & Mental Health Treatment Centers in Enning

VA Black Hills Healthcare System Fort Meade Campus
113 Comanche Road
Fort Meade, SD
46.13 miles from the center of Enning

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Rehabilitation
Dual Diagnosis Rehabilitation Center

Treatment Setting:
Psychiatric Inpatient Rehabilitation
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Rehab
Behavior Management Systems Mainstream and IMPACT West
111 North Street
Rapid City, SD
46.65 miles from the center of Enning

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment Center
Treatment for Co-occuring Disorders Such as Substance Abuse

Treatment Setting:
Residential Treatment Center
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Treatment
Behavior Management Systems Mainstream Residential
121 North Street
Rapid City, SD
46.66 miles from the center of Enning

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Rehab Center
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider

Treatment Setting:
Residential Treatment Center
Outpatient Treatment Setting
Behavior Management Systems
350 Elk Street
Rapid City, SD
48.66 miles from the center of Enning

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment
Dual Diagnosis Rehabilitation Center

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Treatment
Monument Health Monument Behavioral Health Center
915 Mountain View Road
Rapid City, SD
48.88 miles from the center of Enning

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment Center

Treatment Setting:
Inpatient Mental Health Treatment
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Rehab
Lutheran Social Services of SD Rapid City Area Counseling Center
2920 Sheridan Lake Road
Rapid City, SD
49.75 miles from the center of Enning

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Rehabilitation
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Rehab
Childrens Home Society of SD Black Hills Childrens Home
24100 South Rockerville Road
Rapid City, SD
61.03 miles from the center of Enning

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment
Provides Addiction Treatment

Treatment Setting:
Residential Mental Health Facility
Behavior Management System Northern Hills
623 Dahl Road
Spearfish, SD
63.67 miles from the center of Enning

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment Center
Dual Diagnosis Rehabilitation Center

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Treatment Setting
Northern Wyoming Mental Health Center Crook County Outpatient Office
420 1/2 Main Street
Sundance, WY
90.18 miles from the center of Enning

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Rehabilitation
Treatment for Co-occuring Disorders Such as Substance Abuse

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Treatment Setting
Behavior Management Systems Satellite Office
3 Canyon View Circle
Hot Springs, SD
90.79 miles from the center of Enning

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Treatment
VA Black Hills Healthcare System Hot Springs Campus
500 North 5th Street MHS 3
Hot Springs, SD
90.84 miles from the center of Enning

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider

Treatment Setting:
Residential Mental Health Facility
Outpatient Mental Health Treatment Center
Northern Wyoming Mental Health Center Weston County Outpatient Office
420 Deanne Avenue
Newcastle, WY
94.91 miles from the center of Enning

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Treatment Setting
Three Rivers MH/CD Center
11 4th Street East
Lemmon, SD
96.37 miles from the center of Enning

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Rehabilitation
Treatment for Co-occuring Disorders Such as Substance Abuse

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Treatment
Capital Area Counseling Services Childrens Services
2001 Eastgate Street
Pierre, SD
111.54 miles from the center of Enning

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Rehabilitation
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Health Treatment Center
Cross Roads Resources
P.O. Box 1299
Chadron, NE
122.61 miles from the center of Enning

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Rehab
PHS Indian Hospital
400 Soldier Creek Road BIA Highway 9
Rosebud, SD
122.75 miles from the center of Enning

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Rehabilitation

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Treatment
Southern Plains Behavioral Health Services
153 South Main Street
Mission, SD
129.09 miles from the center of Enning

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Rehab Center
Provides Addiction Treatment

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Health Treatment Center
Youth Emergency Services Inc
905 North Gurley Avenue
Gillette, WY
145.56 miles from the center of Enning

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment
Treatment for Co-occuring Disorders Such as Substance Abuse

Treatment Setting:
Residential Mental Health Rehab
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Treatment
Campbell County Mem Hospital Behavioral Health Servs
501 South Burma Avenue
Gillette, WY
147.12 miles from the center of Enning

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Rehabilitation
Dual Diagnosis Rehabilitation Center

Treatment Setting:
Psychiatric Inpatient Rehabilitation
Outpatient Treatment Setting
Eastern Montana CMHC Baker Clinical and Sads Office
225 3rd Street SW
Baker, MT
149.04 miles from the center of Enning

Treatment Provided:
Mental Health Treatment
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider

Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Rehab

What is Mental Illness in Enning, SD

Any condition that negatively affects our psychological well-being can be considered a mental illness. Because all of our self-worth and communications are dependent on our mental health, it is detrimental that we take care of Mental Illness when we become aware of it. If someone has difficulty processing their thoughts and emotions effectively, they can in no time feel distantanced and struggle with self-esteem. Unfortunately, another possible result of mental illness is using chemical substances as a means to self-medicate. When this happens, their mental Illness may go untreated for years—resulting in a much more dire situation. In the event that mental illness leads to substance use concerns, the best route of treatment might be a Dual Diagnosis facility. Dual diagnosis treatment is designed to allow both diseases to be treated simultaneously.

How to Choose a Mental Health Care Provider in Enning, SD

When choosing a mental health provider in Enning, SD , the most critical factor is to accurately consider the individual's needs. Typically, we suggest starting with the facts, because denial is a common side effect. So first, start with any current diagnosis and whether or not they are using substances to medicate. Suppose drug are present, then reaching out to a dual diagnosis facility to treat the co-occurring disorders would be beneficial. Once a mental health rehab facility has been chosen, a comprehensive assessment by the provider is the next step. Most providers will have a an in-depth and intensive evaluation. These evaluations are used to verify that the patient is an ideal fit for their program, as well as help provide the clinical stall with insight on the individual needs of the patient.

Why You Should Consider Mental Health Treatment in Enning, SD

The benefits of mental health services spread way beyond the person in question and truely benefits our whole society. Our mental health is directly tied to our brain, the place where we process, thoughts, feelings, and emotions. It can therefore be inferred that we must prioritize our Mental Health as much as if not more than our physical health. In the absence of mental healthcare, recovery is not easy. This is particularly true when factoring in substance use. research has Relapse rates among those in recovery are so high partially due to the common presence of mental health issues too. When only one condition is treated without regard for the other, it is the equivalent of removing the crutch without fixing the broken leg.

Paying for Enning Mental Health Rehab

Nothing in life is free, and mental healthcare is no exception. The cost of housing, medication, therapy, and all other aspects of recovery can add up. Someone has to pay them. In the United States, the most common method of paying for any type of health care is insurance. However, this isn’t the only option. Additional payment options include government healthcare, self-payment, scholarships, and free programs:

  • Private Insurance can be purchased through your employer or your spouse/parent’s employer. You can also sign up for your own private insurance plan directly through a private insurance provider.
  • Subsidized Private Insurance is available through the Healthcare Marketplace to people who earn a low income, but also do not qualify for medicare/medicaid.
  • Medicare - A government-funded healthcare option available to individuals over the age of 65.
  • Medicaid - A government-funded healthcare option available to low-income individuals and families.Medicare/Medicaid- Government-funded healthcare options for those below a certain income or over the age of 65.
  • Self-payment] - Those who have the financial means may pay for their mental health rehab Enning out-of-pocket. Payment plans and credit options may be available for self-pay clients.
  • Scholarships - In some cases mental health centers Enning offer scholarship opportunities for individuals who show a tremendous desire and commitment to getting better, but do not have the financial means] to pay for [the treatment they need.
  • “Free” Programs - Certain organizations dedicate funds to provide mental health care to lower income individuals in their community. Unfortunately, it is common to see a long waiting period in areas with a great demand for these services.

Your mind controls your body and greatly impacts your overall health - so prioritize your mental wellbeing. Locate a mental health provider near you.
