Below is a comprehensive directory of mental health rehab & treatment programs in Pringle, Pennsylvania.
The closest mental health treatment provider to you is 0.81 miles away. If you can't find a mental health or behavioral health rehab close to you, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Luzerne, Courtdale, Kingston, and Edwardsville.
Directory of Mental Health Facilities Near Pringle, PA
If you are looking for a Mental Health Rehab Center in Pringle, PA, you have come to the right place. Mental Health Rehabs has created a nationwide list of mental health treatment provider] in your region. Whether looking for yourself or a loved one, Mental Health Rehabs is the perfect place to get started. It is certainly true that some facilities are a better fit for certain people. Take your time and find the facility that will be the ideal setting for you or your loved one.
Behavorial & Mental Health Treatment Centers in Pringle
Kingston, PA
0.81 miles from the center of Pringle
Treatment Provided:
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider
Treatment Setting:
Wilkes Barre, PA
2.21 miles from the center of Pringle
Treatment Provided:
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider
Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Rehab
Wilkes Barre, PA
2.5 miles from the center of Pringle
Treatment Provided:
Provides Addiction Treatment
Treatment Setting:
Partial Hospitilization Rehab
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Treatment
Wilkes Barre, PA
2.66 miles from the center of Pringle
Treatment Provided:
Treatment for Co-occuring Disorders Such as Substance Abuse
Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Health Treatment Center
Wilkes Barre, PA
3.97 miles from the center of Pringle
Treatment Provided:
Provides Addiction Treatment
Treatment Setting:
Residential Treatment Center
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Rehab
Nanticoke, PA
7.33 miles from the center of Pringle
Treatment Provided:
Provides Addiction Treatment
Treatment Setting:
Scranton, PA
13.62 miles from the center of Pringle
Treatment Provided:
Dual Diagnosis Rehabilitation Center
Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Treatment
Scranton, PA
14.99 miles from the center of Pringle
Treatment Provided:
Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Treatment Setting
Scranton, PA
15.47 miles from the center of Pringle
Treatment Provided:
Provides Addiction Treatment
Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Rehab
Scranton, PA
15.75 miles from the center of Pringle
Treatment Provided:
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider
Treatment Setting:
Scranton, PA
15.77 miles from the center of Pringle
Treatment Provided:
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider
Treatment Setting:
Scranton, PA
15.93 miles from the center of Pringle
Treatment Provided:
Treatment Setting:
Scranton, PA
17.66 miles from the center of Pringle
Treatment Provided:
Treatment Setting:
Clarks Summit, PA
17.99 miles from the center of Pringle
Treatment Provided:
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider
Treatment Setting:
Tunkhannock, PA
18.46 miles from the center of Pringle
Treatment Provided:
Treatment for Co-occuring Disorders Such as Substance Abuse
Treatment Setting:
Tunkhannock, PA
21.3 miles from the center of Pringle
Treatment Provided:
Treatment for Co-occuring Disorders Such as Substance Abuse
Treatment Setting:
Hazleton, PA
22.86 miles from the center of Pringle
Treatment Provided:
Dual Diagnosis Rehabilitation Center
Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Treatment
Mount Pocono, PA
29.58 miles from the center of Pringle
Treatment Provided:
Provides Addiction Treatment
Treatment Setting:
Newfoundland, PA
29.65 miles from the center of Pringle
Treatment Provided:
Treatment Setting:
Lehighton, PA
32.04 miles from the center of Pringle
Treatment Provided:
Treatment Setting:
PHP / Day Treatment
Outpatient Treatment Setting
Mental Illness Defined
Mental illness is defined as disease, dysfunction, or disruption of the brain, leading to negative thoughts and behaviors. There are multiple types of mental illness and each can impact a person differently.
Choosing a Mental Health Rehab Program in Pringle, PA
When selecting a mental health provider in Pringle, PA, there are at least 3 steps one should take. Establishing what type of mental illness you are suffering from should be the first step. Next, search for providers who are trained in treating your condition. Lastly, contact your insurance provider to decide if that provider is cover by your specific insurance plan.
Types of Mental Health Providers in Pringle, PA
Mental illness manifests in different ways for different people. For that reason, there are different care providers who can provide various types of treatment. Here are the types of trained providers:
Psychologists in Pringle
Psychologists are qualified to conduct psychological evaluations and provide diagnoses. These individuals are skilled in helping individuals understand and cope with their feelings and thoughts, and usually do so through talk therapy in an individual or group setting. The majority of treatment revolves around addressing and resolving destructive and otherwise unhealthy behaviors.
Psychiatrists in Pringle
Psychiatrists are individuals who completed medical school and received specialized psychiatric training. The main difference between psychologists and psychiatrists is that psychiatrists are able to prescribe medications. As such, psychiatrists are the type of mental health professionals hired to help treat chronic disorders or serious mental illness (SMI), which typically require medical treatment. While they are trained and qualified to conduct psychotherapy (talk therapy), some psychiatrists choose not to.
Therapists, Counselors & Clinicians in Pringle
All are interchangeable terms used to describe mental health care professionals who have completed a master degree in fields such as psychology, marriage and family therapy, or other specialties. As they are not medical doctors, they address mental health issues with approaches similar to psychologists. More often than not, individual and group therapy is the primary treatment approach.
Paying for Pringle Mental Healthcare
There are many options {when paying for a mental health treatment provider|Paying for a mental health [treatment provider|rehab] can be approach [in more than one possible way|multiple ways]}. All facilities will offer a self-pay rate. Self-Pay rates can be one-time or broken up into a payment plan and are paid directly to the provider via Cash, Check, or Credit Card. To make treatment affordable to patients who may not have the ability to pay the full cost of treatment upfront, payment plans may be customized and partial discounts might be available to those who qualify. Nowadays, mental health rehabs are allowed to accept most private insurance too. Regardless of what type of insurance plan you have, choosing a program that will take your insurance {should [not be too difficult|be relatively easy|not take long]|is something this directory can assist you with.