Below is a comprehensive directory of mental health rehab & treatment programs in Central, Alaska.
The closest mental health treatment provider to you is 74.17 miles away. If you can't find a mental health or behavioral health rehab close to you, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Circle Hot Springs, Miller House, Circle, and Chena Hot Springs.
List of Mental Health Rehabs In Central, AK
If you are ready to find a Mental Health Rehab Center in Central, AK, you have come to the right place. We have created the most complete list of providers] in your region. When looking for yourself or a loved one, Mental Health Rehabs is the best place to get started. We are aware that some facilities are a better fit for certain people. There are benefits to taking your time and find the facility that will be the ideal setting for you or your loved one.
Behavorial & Mental Health Treatment Centers in Central
Fort Yukon, AK
74.17 miles from the center of Central
Treatment Provided:
Treatment Setting:
Fort Wainwright, AK
100.26 miles from the center of Central
Treatment Provided:
Treatment for Co-occuring Disorders Such as Substance Abuse
Treatment Setting:
Fairbanks, AK
100.28 miles from the center of Central
Treatment Provided:
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider
Treatment Setting:
PHP / Day Treatment
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Treatment
Fairbanks, AK
100.5 miles from the center of Central
Treatment Provided:
Dual Diagnosis Rehabilitation Center
Treatment Setting:
Fairbanks, AK
101.58 miles from the center of Central
Treatment Provided:
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider
Treatment Setting:
Fairbanks, AK
101.64 miles from the center of Central
Treatment Provided:
Provides Addiction Treatment
Treatment Setting:
Fairbanks, AK
102.23 miles from the center of Central
Treatment Provided:
Treatment Setting:
Fairbanks, AK
102.54 miles from the center of Central
Treatment Provided:
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider
Treatment Setting:
Tok, AK
159.1 miles from the center of Central
Treatment Provided:
Dual Diagnosis Rehabilitation Center
Treatment Setting:
Copper Center, AK
245.54 miles from the center of Central
Treatment Provided:
Provides Addiction Treatment
Treatment Setting:
Palmer, AK
301.62 miles from the center of Central
Treatment Provided:
Dual Diagnosis Rehabilitation Center
Treatment Setting:
Palmer, AK
303.62 miles from the center of Central
Treatment Provided:
Treatment Setting:
Palmer, AK
304.23 miles from the center of Central
Treatment Provided:
Treatment Setting:
Wasilla, AK
307.28 miles from the center of Central
Treatment Provided:
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider
Treatment Setting:
Valdez, AK
307.53 miles from the center of Central
Treatment Provided:
Treatment for Co-occuring Disorders Such as Substance Abuse
Treatment Setting:
Wasilla, AK
308.96 miles from the center of Central
Treatment Provided:
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider
Treatment Setting:
Wasilla, AK
309.25 miles from the center of Central
Treatment Provided:
Treatment Setting:
Wasilla, AK
309.46 miles from the center of Central
Treatment Provided:
Treatment Setting:
Eagle River, AK
326.28 miles from the center of Central
Treatment Provided:
Dual Diagnosis Rehabilitation Center
Treatment Setting:
Eagle River, AK
327.19 miles from the center of Central
Treatment Provided:
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider
Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Health Treatment Center
Mental Health in Central, AK - What is Mental Health
Mental health is defined as the condition of our emotional, cognitive, and behavioral well-being. In short, our mental health is our mental state. It can impact everything from how we think and feel, to how we act and how our bodies respond to certain situations and stimuli.
Our mental health can have a significant impact on our overall quality of life. Our relationships, careers, and finances can all suffer. It effects our self-esteem, changes how we make choices, our ability to communicate, and even our learning capabilities.
Although it may be a part of our wellbeing that we can’t actually touch, our mental health how we interact with the world around us. Ultimately, it makes up the very fibers of who we are.
Types of Mental Health Providers in Central, AK
A mental illness can express itself in a number of ways, (negative or irrational thoughts, physical ailments, problematic behaviors) and the intensity can range from mild to severe. To address the wide spectrum of mental illnesses, there are different care providers who can provide various types of treatment. Here are the types of trained providers:
Psychologists in Central
A psychologist is a mental health professional who is trained and educated to conduct psychological evaluations and provide diagnoses. These individuals are highly adept at helping individuals understand and cope with their feelings and thoughts, and usually do so through talk therapy in an individual or group setting. Much of their practice zeros in on identifying and changing destructive and otherwise unhealthy behaviors.
Psychiatrists in Central
Sometimes there is a need for more immediate or intense treatment compared to what a psychologist can offer - namely prescription medication. Psychiatrists are physicians (medical doctors) who specialize in mental illness and therefore can offer prescription medication. Despite the fact that they are trained and qualified to conduct psychotherapy (talk therapy), some psychiatrists choose not to.
Therapists, Counselors & Clinicians in Central
Each of these terms are interchangeable and are used to describe mental health care professionals who graduated with a masters in fields such as psychology, marriage and family therapy, or other specialties. They function more like psychologists than psychiatrists, being treatment-focused often with an emphasis on modifying behavior. More often than not, talk therapy is the primary mode of treatment offered.
Paying for Central Mental Health Rehab
Everything costs something - including mental healthcare The cost of housing, medication, therapy, and all other aspects of recovery can add up. Someone has to pay them. In the United States, the most common method of paying for any type of health care is insurance. However, this isn’t the only option. Here is an overview of all of the possible ways to pay for mental health treatment:
- Private Insurance may be available through your employer or your spouse/parent’s employer. Private insurance can also be purchased directly from the insurance provider.
- Subsidized Private Insurance is available through to individuals who earn less than a certain income, yet do not qualify for medicare/medicaid.
- Medicare - A government-funded healthcare option available to individuals over the age of 65.
- Medicaid - A government-funded healthcare option available to low-income individuals and families.Medicare/Medicaid- Government-funded healthcare options for those below a certain income or over the age of 65.
- Cash Pay] - Those who have the financial means may pay for their mental health rehabilitation Central out-of-pocket. People who can self-pay - but not all at once - may ask about a payment plan or line of credit.
- Scholarships - Certain mental health rehabilitation centers Central offer scholarship opportunities for people who express a great want and commitment to healing, but do not have the means.
- “Free” Programs - Certain organizations dedicate funds to provide mental health services to their local community. Unfortunately, it is common to see a long waitlist in areas with a great demand for these services.
Our mental health impacts our overall wellbeing - so prioritize your mental health. Locate a mental health provider near you.