Below is a comprehensive directory of mental health rehab & treatment programs in Birch Creek, Alaska.
The closest mental health treatment provider to you is 26.9 miles away. If you can't find a mental health or behavioral health rehab close to you, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Fort Yukon, Beaver, Venetie, and Miller House.
Options For Mental Health Care Near Birch Creek, AK
If you are in need of a Mental Health Rehab Center in Birch Creek, AK, look no further. Mental Health Rehabs has compiled a nationwide list of mental health treatment provider] in your region. Whether looking for yourself or a loved one, Mental Health Rehabs is the best place to get started. It is certainly true that not every facility is a perfect option for every patient. It may be well worth it to take your time and find the facility that will be best suited to you or your loved one.
Behavorial & Mental Health Treatment Centers in Birch Creek
Fort Yukon, AK
26.9 miles from the center of Birch Creek
Treatment Provided:
Treatment Setting:
Fairbanks, AK
111.34 miles from the center of Birch Creek
Treatment Provided:
Dual Diagnosis Rehabilitation Center
Treatment Setting:
Partial Hospitilization Rehab
Outpatient Treatment Setting
Fairbanks, AK
111.56 miles from the center of Birch Creek
Treatment Provided:
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider
Treatment Setting:
Fairbanks, AK
111.71 miles from the center of Birch Creek
Treatment Provided:
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider
Treatment Setting:
Fort Wainwright, AK
112.17 miles from the center of Birch Creek
Treatment Provided:
Provides Addiction Treatment
Treatment Setting:
Fairbanks, AK
112.62 miles from the center of Birch Creek
Treatment Provided:
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider
Treatment Setting:
Fairbanks, AK
113.03 miles from the center of Birch Creek
Treatment Provided:
Provides Addiction Treatment
Treatment Setting:
Fairbanks, AK
113.59 miles from the center of Birch Creek
Treatment Provided:
Treatment Setting:
Tok, AK
219.83 miles from the center of Birch Creek
Treatment Provided:
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider
Treatment Setting:
Copper Center, AK
296.74 miles from the center of Birch Creek
Treatment Provided:
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Provider
Treatment Setting:
Palmer, AK
335.22 miles from the center of Birch Creek
Treatment Provided:
Treatment for Co-occuring Disorders Such as Substance Abuse
Treatment Setting:
Palmer, AK
337.07 miles from the center of Birch Creek
Treatment Provided:
Treatment Setting:
Palmer, AK
337.49 miles from the center of Birch Creek
Treatment Provided:
Treatment Setting:
Wasilla, AK
339.82 miles from the center of Birch Creek
Treatment Provided:
Dual Diagnosis Rehabilitation Center
Treatment Setting:
Wasilla, AK
340.53 miles from the center of Birch Creek
Treatment Provided:
Provides Addiction Treatment
Treatment Setting:
Wasilla, AK
341.09 miles from the center of Birch Creek
Treatment Provided:
Treatment Setting:
Wasilla, AK
341.32 miles from the center of Birch Creek
Treatment Provided:
Treatment Setting:
Valdez, AK
354.91 miles from the center of Birch Creek
Treatment Provided:
Provides Addiction Treatment
Treatment Setting:
Eagle River, AK
358.53 miles from the center of Birch Creek
Treatment Provided:
Treatment for Co-occuring Disorders Such as Substance Abuse
Treatment Setting:
Eagle River, AK
359.44 miles from the center of Birch Creek
Treatment Provided:
Provides Addiction Treatment
Treatment Setting:
Outpatient Mental Heatlh Treatment
Mental Health in Birch Creek, AK - What is Mental Health
Mental health is defined as the condition of our emotional, cognitive, and behavioral state. Simply put: It’s the state of our minds. It can affect everything from our thoughts and feelings, to our actions and stimulus responses.
Our mental health can have a significant impact on our overall quality of life. Our relationships, careers, and finances can all suffer. It impacts our self-esteem, changes how we make choices, how we communicate, and even our learning capabilities.
Although it may be a part of our wellbeing that we can’t actually touch, our mental well-being how we interact with the world around us. How our minds operate, ultimately affects who we are as individuals.
Types of Mental Health Providers in Birch Creek, AK
A mental illness can manifest itself in a number of ways, ranging from disruptive thoughts to physical manifestations Intensity can also range greatly. To address the wide spectrum of mental illnesses, there are different care providers who can provide various types of treatment. Let’s consider each option:
Psychologists in Birch Creek
A psychologist is a mental health professional who is trained to conduct psychological evaluations and make diagnoses. These individuals are skilled in helping individuals understand and cope with their feelings and thoughts, and usually do so through talk therapy in an individual or group setting. The majority of treatment revolves around addressing and resolving destructive and otherwise unhealthy behaviors.
Psychiatrists in Birch Creek
Psychiatrists are medical doctors (M.D) who have received psychiatric training. Unlike psychologists, they are able to prescribe medications. As such, psychiatrists are regularly employed to help manage chronic disorders or serious mental illness (SMI), which typically require medical treatment. While they are trained and qualified to conduct psychotherapy (talk therapy), some psychiatrists choose not to.
Therapists, Counselors & Clinicians in Birch Creek
All are interchangeable terms used to describe mental health care professionals who have completed a master degree in fields such as psychology, marriage and family therapy, or other specialties. As they are not physicians, they tend to treat mental health issues with approaches similar to psychologists. Individual and group therapy is their technique of choice to resolve issues.
Paying for Birch Creek Mental Health Rehab
Nothing in life is free, and mental healthcare is no exception. The cost of housing, medication, therapy, and all other aspects of recovery can add up. Someone has to pay them. In the United States, the most common method of paying for any type of health care is insurance. However, this isn’t the only option. Additional payment options include Medicare and Medicaid, self-payment, scholarships, and free programs:
- Private Insurance can be purchased through your employer or your spouse/parent’s employer. You can also sign up for your own private insurance plan directly through a private insurance provider.
- Subsidized Private Insurance is available through to those who earn a low income, yet do not qualify for medicare/medicaid.
- Medicare - A government-funded healthcare option available to individuals over the age of 65.
- Medicaid - A government-funded healthcare option available to low-income individuals and families.Medicare/Medicaid- Government-funded healthcare options for those below a certain income or over the age of 65.
- Out-of-pocket] - If a patient is able to, they may pay for their mental health treatment Birch Creek out-of-pocket. People who can self-pay - but not all at once - may ask about a payment plan or line of credit.
- Scholarships - Occasionally, mental health providers Birch Creek offer a scholarship for individuals who display a great desire and commitment to getting better, but do not have the therapy.
- “Free” Programs - Private and public not-for-profit organizations dedicate funds to provide mental health services to their local community. Unfortunately, there may be a long waiting period in areas with high demand for these services.
Your mind is connected with your body and greatly affects your overall health - so take care of it. Get help from a mental health provider near you.